Monday 5 June 2017

A yellow arrow, a shell and blind faith!

It is hard to imagine that we put our blind faith in two inanimate objects as we traversed 800km across two countries.  A simple, yellow arrow stenciled on walls, paths, rocks and poles or the ceramic shell embossed on a pillar acted as our only guide.   We obediently followed - never questioning or doubting the calling.  Some hearty pilgrims clutched their own bible - John Brierly, 'Guide to the Camino', quoting verbatim from this holy text; they looked at us as pagans as we shrugged our shoulders, pointed to the yellow arrow or shell and continued on our journey.

As days blurred into one, we trekked undulating hills that took us through rustic villages, our eyes were in a constant state of REM, scouring the landscape for a glimpse of our deity.   We became zealots, preaching the wonders of the arrow & shell.

At times, our shadows were our only companion as we traversed the lonely, stoney tracks in search of salvation. Those signs ensured a sense of wellbeing; knowledge in the fact that we would find safe haven that night.

 The arrow and shell are mediative symbols that put concerns into perspective and provide a sense of liberation.

                                Sometimes, you just have to let go and follow!

                                                        Buen Camino🐚