Monday 22 February 2016

Blue mountains! New South Wales.

    The Blue Mountains is a rugged region west of Sydney. On my last visit to spend quality time with our daughter; we decided to head further afield. Known for dramatic scenery, The Blue Mountains was the obvious choice. Jemby Rinjah eco lodge was our home for the weekend. Our private, self-contained Eco cabin, complete with log fire place and eco drop-dunny was smack bang in the middle of the Blue Mountains National Park. A lovely time was had by all. Relaxing in the healthy, fresh, country air; tramping amongst the eucalyptus forest and delighting in the views of the wondrous steep cliffs of the Blue Mountains. The famous 'Three Sisters' are truly spectacular to behold. We meandered around exploring the quaint townships of the area and revelled in a lovely lunch at the Bygone Beautys treasured  teapot museum and tearooms.
    Happy times with our girl!