Wednesday 25 September 2013

Premium Bogans

Being deemed less important than the Australian Wallaby Rugby team, we missed out on our business class upgrade  from Sydney to Johannesburg.   We did, however; score Premium Class.  We sat like two naive individuals giggling as we sipped the bubbly like we knew what we were doing.  White linen table cloths decorated over our tray table, whilst dining on gourmet airline food  that was lovingly prepared by Curtis Stone.  The stewards engaged us by our names as if we were long lost relatives relatives coming together for a family reunion.  Gone were the cans of VB and the plastic cups of chardonnay,  rather French champagne tickled the taste buds and copious amounts of Glenlevet were shunted down to warm the cockles of the heart.  As these two premium bogans from Frankston sat with smiles that the Cheshire cat would be proud of they knew that it was 'Heaps Good.'

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Old Sydney town!

The laconic face stares across the harbour, welcoming all to its houses of fun. The magestic coat hanger spans the great divide and the flotsam and jetsam of the ferries carry exited travels on a sojourn of discover. We embrace the city that is the gateway to our adventure, the beginning of an odessy of discovery,  challenge and desires.  To travel is  to grow,  its the girt  beneath ones feet and its the memories burnt upon ones retina. It is our life for the next four months.

Friday 20 September 2013

Let the Bug Bite

Ready, set, go!

All our bags are packed,
We're ready to go.
One more sleep,
Will go so slow.

Our toe nails cut short,
our hair is gleaned.
Scrubbed and waxed,
we are primped and preened.

The final countdown,
is here at last.
Come on now,
Make this day past!

Wednesday 18 September 2013

The Build Up.

The grunt factor; the puff of dirt as the hiking sticks impact on the unforgiving track; the wait awhile prone to attack, the ever present cassowary ready to disembowel, the sweat seeping into every orifice and the endless climb are a hikers greatest adversary.  But the view takes the breath away and the solitude of sitting on an outcrop looking down at the world makes it all just fine.  Things that make us go mmmmm!

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Travel Games

Welkom, Karibu, Dobro pozhalovat',  Bienvenida, Boas-vindas.  Welcome to our sojourn across four continents and 15 countries; from the altitude of Kilimanjaro, to the cassocks and vodka of the tsars, to the immense beauty of the Grand Canyon,  the trails of the Aztecs, the samba of Cuba, the Incas and the marvel of machu picchu, to the frozen forges of Patagonia, the dance of passion and love in Buenos Aires, to the carnivale and sambo of Brazil.

It is a 17 week exodus that will challenge our endurance, that will allow us to delve into the culture of the people and it will provide us with new friendships and memories that will last forever.  We will get lost, ripped off, take risks, argue, laugh and marvel at the beauty of our great world.  It is an experience we hope you will share with us via our blog.  So come along and enjoy!